The design

Published Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Our design philosophy

Why we sell the products we sell, and how the designs are created for you to enjoy? Here we tell all about how we create the designs and what they stand for.

We are all about self expression and we aim for all of our design to be unique and expressive. For great personalities we of course need great design and that is easier said than done. For most of our designs, we contact the most promising and talented independent designers and illustrators and this way have an impact on supporting art and the artists.

Great design needs amazing designers. We support individual artists that sell their artwork and compensate the artist more than fairly for the work they do for us. We believe this is a crucial part our design philosophy, where we work with the artist and together try to create new and interesting pieces of art to showcase in our products. Too often cases and other design is being created as quickly as possible with the mindset that it is good enough. We try not to follow this kind of guideline and always create the best artwork for your phone. Our design is always made with love.

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