Pixie Cold

Pixie Cold

How about a trip down to an enchanted dark forest where there are magical animals just waiting for you?

Pixie is a well-known artist in her art genre, creating nature and animal-inspired art with a dark color theme. Her artworks on their own create a magical world where different creatures live but appear only during a full moon.

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Dark Forest

Big and tall trees are blocking your way. The forest seems so dark that you need to focus not to trip on anything. Strange voices echo through the branches, and it makes you wonder - who is out there, who is looking?

Moon Stag

Something is standing far away in the darkest corner of the woods. It's a full moon, and you wonder whether to take a step forward or not. Its antlers are shining in the bright moonlight, and you decide to move forward. Hopefully, it won't run away!

Moon Snake

This slippery creature won't be found easily. It's got a skin that reflects moonlight, but only for a few minutes when the moon is at its biggest!

So look for glimpses of light, colors of pink and blue, and you might see one of the rarest creatures out there!

Moon Child

We know energy cannot be formed or destroyed, but it can change from one form to another; thus, whenever there is a change from one form to another, the Moon Child can feel the change.

Witch Cat

There is something behind the leaves watching your every move. It's the witch's cat that's casting a spell on you as we speak! Take a moment to wait and see what the effect will be.

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